After comparison, sodium hyposulfite is the preferred absorbent, which the resultant has no influence on the environment with sodium hyposulfite over absorbed dose. 经比较,硫代硫酸钠吸收量大,生成物对环境没有影响,为首选吸收剂。
Even though the recovery is sluggish ( see article), rich economies are planning spending cuts and tax increases worth just over 1% of their joint GDP in 2011, the biggest collective dose of deficit-cutting on record. 尽管复苏踉踉跄跄,但发达经济体仍计划削减支出,税收增加,赤字削减仅占这些国家2011年gdp总和的1%&有记录显示的最大赤字削减幅度。
I have engaged in bulk cargo mechanical management for over decade, and always think that if the liner plate dose not need to be changed forever, it will be good! 我从事散货机械管理十几年,总是在想:衬板要是永远不坏就好了!
The government on Monday also widened the evacuation zone around Fukushima Daiichi to beyond the previous 30km radius, citing the possibility that radiation levels could exceed 20 millisieverts over a year, or about 10 times the dose from normal background radiation. 日本政府周一还进一步扩大了福岛核电站周围疏散区的范围(原本为半径30公里)。政府表示,这一地区的年核辐射水平可能会超过20毫西弗特,即正常辐射水平的10倍。
Thinking about the health impacts and consequence from taking over dose of sugar! 想想看这些糖对您的健康所造成的冲击和后果!
Maybe we should pull over and dose him. 或许我们应该在路边停一下然后给他打针。
But experts say taking even small amounts over the recommended dose can cause liver damage. 但是专家们宣称,即使服用了微量超额的剂量也可能会造成肝脏损伤。
RESULT: Over half number of the patients had received the radiation with total dose exceeding 80Gy; 23 cases ( 88.4%) had a specific history of trauma and infection; 结果:半数以上病例照射总剂量超过80Gy,23例(88.4%)有明确创伤感染史。
It pointed out the harmful effect of selenium and zinc in the immune system when they were deficiency or over dose. 指出当锌和硒不足或过高时对免疫系统的不良作用。
Conclusion: DR has much more advantage over CR on picture quality, post-handle techniques, exposure dose and manipulation; therefore DR has a wider prospect than CR does. 结论:DR与CR相比DR图像质量、后处理功能、工作流程能力、病人吸收剂量均明显优于CR,DR具有更广阔的前景。
The starting dose of paclitaxel was 20 mg/ m 2 once weekly IV over 3 hours, with a subsequent dose escalation of 10 mg/ m 2 in cohorts of three new patients. 紫杉醇每周1次,持续静滴3小时,开始剂量20mg/m2,每个剂量水平治疗3例,如无DLT发生则逐次递增10mg/m2。
Results show a DQE of the flat detector this is higher compared to II/ TV and, above all, constant over a wide dose range. 结果:首先,在一个相对大的范围内,FD的量子转换效率(DQE)较影像增强器电视系统高。
It is well tolerated, it's advantage over traditional radiotherapy is its low cost, shorter period of treatment and the better dose distribution. 结论电子束单次大剂量照射是治疗瘢痕的一种有效方法,耐受性良好,与传统的分次照射相比,有治疗周期短,花费低,剂量分布好等优点。
Observation on lenticular opacity by over dose γ-ray radiation 超允许剂量γ线照射后眼晶状体混浊观察
It indicate that there is no obvious influence for patients to inhale pulmicort 400~ 1 000 μ g each day over a long period of time and the amount of pulmicort is proved to be a safe dose for patients. 研究表明,长期吸入普米克气雾剂400~1000μg/日对肾上腺皮质功能、血细胞无明显影响,为一安全剂量。
A liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry method was developed for the qualitative analysis of eleven β_2-agonists in human urine. This method was successfully applied to the analysis of the urine samples excreted by some healthy subjects over different periods after oral administration of single dose of β_2-agonists. 建立了人尿中11种β2受体激动剂的液相色谱质谱(LC/MS)定性分析方法,检测了人单剂量口服一种β2受体激动剂后不同时间点的尿样。
Conclusion: Long time over dose drinking and unsanitary drinking method are insidious factors to influence the health of Heishui residents. 长期过量饮酒和不洁的饮酒方式是影响黑水县居民健康的潜在危险因素。
Warfarin is the most widely used oral anticoagulant worldwide. It has a narrow therapeutic index, it is effective over wide dose variation and its stable dosage is influenced by a variety of factors. 华法林是全世界使用最广的口服抗凝药,具有治疗窗狭窄、剂量差异大、影响因素多、反应难预测等特点。